
0900 - 0930
Introduction, goals and Six Case Studies
0930 - 1000
Rapid Overview of Auditory Physiology
1000 - 1030Initial Group Discussions on Cases
1030 - 1100Morning Tea
1100 - 1145Hair Cell Physiology, Stria Vascularis and Neural Communication
1145 - 1230Cochlear Mechanics
1230 - 1330Lunch
1330 - 1415Electrocochleography/OAEs/ERAs
1415 - 1500Cochlear Deafness; Motor, sensory and mixed; The 4B's and 5S's and Differential Diagnosis
1500 - 1530Afternoon Tea
1530 - 1630The Six Case Studies (revisited)
1630 - 1700Final Discussions