COVID-19 Information

Audiology Australia sees your health and safety as the top priority in this challenging time.

The following are the steps we will be adhering to in order to ensure your safety:

1. If you are feeling unwell in any way, please let us know immediately and stay home.

2. If you are waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test on the day of the workshops, please let us know immediately and stay home.

3. Hand sanitiser will be available for use at each workshop day, and we strongly recommend that you regularly sanitise your hands during the workshops.

4. Workshop registration numbers will be based on the distance requirements of each state. Please make sure you have registered in advance as you will not be able to register in person on the day of the workshops.

5. You must sign in on arrival and confirm that we have the correct contact details for you.

6. Please do not share objects at the workshops – this includes pens, papers and any food items.

7. Please maintain social distancing guidelines during the workshops and catered breaks.

8. We will provide you with information about any requirements venues have (including temperature checks).

In the case that an event needs to be cancelled, you will be refunded the full amount of your registration fee. Cancellation fees will be waived up until 1 week before each workshop day date.

Further information will be sent to you closer to the date of the workshop day you are attending.